Shalom - Switch
Shalom - Switch

Note: Week 1 and week 3 are live speak, there will be no video. We provide the live speak notes to help prepare you.

Because of Easter, everything has changed. During His life, Jesus launched the Church. In His death, Jesus conquered sin. Through His resurrection, Jesus defeated death. Now, as His church—the people of God living out the will of God—we have been filled with His Spirit and commissioned to continue the work of putting the broken things back together and bringing heaven to earth so that once again, order is brought to chaos. We are called to bring shalom. What is shalom? Shalom is the joining together of God, humanity, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and goodness. It is so much more than the absence of conflict. Shalom is the presence of God’s reign and rule here on earth as it is in heaven. Shalom is the way things ought to be. 

Week 1: A Call To Partnership (Live Speak) 

Week 2: Ruling with Justice 

Week 3: Bringing Shalom (Live Speak)

Week 4: Worship Night 

In week one, we are going to allow the story of Jesus’ resurrection to teach us what life on the other side of an empty tomb could and should look like. As followers of Jesus, we have been empowered by God’s Spirit and commissioned by God’s Son to continue the work that He started: bringing shalom to chaos. In this week’s experience, students will wrestle with a series of questions designed to help them identify and live out their callings. *This is a live speak, there will be no video. We provide the live speak notes to help prepare you.

Week two is exploring the tension so many people feel because we are living in between Jesus’ resurrection and His return. Far too many of us have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for Jesus to show up and finish what He started, not realizing that He has invited us to be a part of His plans to bring shalom to chaos. This experience will take a look at an Old Testament prophecy, the book of Acts, and our lives today to help us better understand what it looks like to partner with God in His redemptive plan to rescue humanity and restore creation. 

During week three, we are going to confront the truth that we cannot fulfill God’s mission using the world’s methods. Bringing shalom means forsaking the ways of this world and taking up the way of Jesus. By looking at the story of Stephen’s death, we are going to discover what it really looks like to become the kind of person who is willing to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Jesus. *This is a live speak, there will be no video. We provide the live speak notes to help prepare you.

Finally, in week four, we are closing out this series with a Worship Night to celebrate the significance of Easter and the lives that have been changed this semester. Throughout the course of this experience, we will hear the stories of three different students whose lives have been changed by the radical grace of God. Two of those stories will be pre-recorded videos and the third story will be told by the youth pastor on stage and be the story of a student from that campus.

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