One option for those who prefer small churches is to pray like crazy that you don’t reach new people, so your church will stay small–just the way you like it!
Here are some more options:
●Start new churches. Instead of trying to bring people in, let’s send some people out.
●Start or participate in a network of house churches. In some ways, that’s how I see our church. The purest form of the church is the small group. At Life.Church, we call ours LifeGroups. My LifeGroup is in many ways my church. Then all our groups meet corporately with the larger body.
●Start new campuses. If multi-site is the way God is leading you, find the right people to help cast that vision.
The bottom line is, we must remember that the church doesn’t exist for us. But we are the church, and we exist to glorify God and to reach the world!
What we've learned:
There’s nothing wrong with small churches. However, when churches stay small to avoid reaching people for Christ, there’s a problem. If your church is growing, rejoice in the blessing, and think of ways to bless others through it.