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Today, we’re picking up where Craig left off in Part 1 of "It’s About Time" where he shared the first two of his four principles of great time management: schedule your values and say ‘no’ to many small things to say ‘yes’ to a few big things. Why is this crucial? Poor time management results in well-intentioned leaders who consistently allow the urgent to overwhelm the important.
3. Create artificial deadlines for increased effectiveness. Setting these deadlines forces you to make decisions and tackle projects more aggressively. People move more quickly when a deadline is closer. Artificial deadlines help you do three things: make decisions faster, delegate what others can do, and eliminate what you shouldn’t be doing in the first place. You’ll get better results with less effort.
4. Empower others as if your future depends on it—because it does.If you delegate tasks, you’ll build followers who only do what they’re told. If you delegate authority, you’ll build leaders. You don’t find great leaders—you build great leaders. How do you keep great leaders? You let them lead. The less you do has a big impact on your organization, and that is the same with an organization as a whole. The best organizations do a few things, and they do them well.
Remember, you don’t have to know it all to be a great leader! Be yourself. People would rather follow a leader who is always real than one who is always right.
Discussion questions:
Here's an exercise you can do to grow as a leader—ask your team these questions:
- What is an artificial deadline you can impose to increase productivity and efficiency?
- What are three things you can delegate? Who will you give them to, and when?
- Organizationally, what are you still doing that has lost effectiveness and needs to be dramatically changed or eliminated?
Questions from podcast subscribers:
“How do I move from employee to a leadership position in my organization?”
Improving at what you do in your organization is a good place to start, but even better is improving how you think. Think like an owner, not like an employee. Think higher, see broader, and care deeper.
“How do you lead an unmotivated person who doesn’t have the passion about the job you do?”
Start with why—why what they do is important. People will work for a ‘what,’ but they’ll give their lives for a ‘why.’ A good leader also realizes if you can’t motivate them, move them or remove them.
Have a question for Craig? Email leadership@life.church.
Episode resources:
- Leave a Review: www.go2.lc/leadershippodcastitunes
- Catalyst One Day with Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel, February 16, 2016 in San Francisco, CA and February 18, 2016 in Seattle, WA: www.catalystconference.com/oneday
- Watch Life.Church messages: www.life.church/watch
- More from Craig: www.craiggroeschelbooks.com
- Free church resources & tools: www.life.church/churches
- Simon Sinek, Start With Why: www.startwithwhy.com/books
- Ask questions: leadership@life.church
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/craiggroeschel
- Twitter: @craiggroeschel
- Instagram: @craiggroeschel
- Periscope: @craiggroeschel