Learning the Jesus Way of Life - Switch
Learning the Jesus Way of Life - Switch
For this series, we are going to unpack what following Jesus is really all about. There are far too many people who think their relationship with God can be summarized by their church attendance record or a few minutes of “quiet time” in the morning. Or maybe that Jesus is for the “spiritual” part of life and doesn’t really have anything to do with the rest. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus doesn’t want part of you—He wants all of you. That’s why the earliest members of the Jesus movement were called followers of the Way. Because that’s exactly what Jesus came to introduce: a new, more true way of life. A new way of seeing, of serving, of loving, of solving problems, of relating to people, of doing the daily work of living life. In other words, following Jesus is an all-of-life way of life. It’s a way defined by going where He goes, doing what He does, trusting what He says, and loving how He loves.

● The Jesus Way of Life | Stage Message 

● Baptism and Battle | Stage Message + Small Group Discussions 

● Calling and Commissioning | YP Live Speak 

● Who's First? | Stage Message 

● Right Relationships | Stage Message 

● Blind Beggars | Stage Message 

● What Matters Most | YP Live Speak

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