Week 20: God Appears to Elijah
Week 20: God Appears to Elijah
Week 20: God Appears to Elijah talks about how God talks to us in a whisper because He is close to us. The Bible story for this week comes from the story of God appearing to Elijah. The Bible verse of the week is Psalm 55:17 NLT "Morning, noon, and night … the LORD hears my voice."

Materials Checklist: 
-Message Video
-Teaching Segment
-Emcee Guide
-Small Group Leader Guide
-Activity Supplement
-Parent Conversation Card
-Social Media Graphics - Parent Questions, The Point, and The Verse

Getting started with Crosstown:
Crosstown is an easy to use, plug and play curriculum perfect for your pre-school aged rooms. If you are just getting started with Crosstown, visit our Crosstown Curriculum page for a How-to-Start Guide and other supporting resources. 

Thank you to Saddleback Church & Church on the Move for your collaboration on the Crosstown Curriculum. 

Pre-Experience Music: Already Won (eKidz), That’s Why (Kids on the Move), I Am Yours (Kids on the Move), Jesus Is Alive Right Now (Kids on the Move), Your Love Is (eKidz), Jesus on My Journey (Kids on the Move), Echo (eKidz), Loved (Kids on the Move), Standing (eKidz).